Friday, November 24, 2006


No Time To Lose

Dadmanly will need to be mostly offline for a while.

We have entered a season of loss, of saying goodbye, and closing one door before being quite sure what window or door God in His wisdom will see fit to open. (But we're confident based on experience that He will, He will.

During this time of stress and grief, I'm afraid I've been letting an unhealthy over-endulgence on blogging and focus on matters political consume what little time I've left to myself, and it has begun to affect my work, which I can't really afford to let it do.

All to say that Dadmanly for the most part will fall silent for this season, as I focus on my family, preparing us for things to come. We rededicate our lives in the only way that really matters, with eyes on Him above, and take on each day with whatever the day brings, knowing that we know that, with His provision, we will stand strong, persevere, and even rise on wings like eagles.

Friends, thanks for all the support and encouragement, dialog and online fellowship. I'll try to keep everybody posted, here and at MILBLOGS, when Dadmanly re-emerges, in whatever form that takes...

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